


Inguinal hernias are a prevalent condition, ranking first among all digestive surgery procedures conducted nationwide in Japan each year. This condition surpasses well-known issues like gallstones, appendicitis, and various cancers (such as stomach and colorectal cancers) in terms of frequency.

Certain individuals are more prone to developing inguinal hernias, and understanding these tendencies can be crucial. Here's a breakdown of who is more likely to suffer from this condition:

Predominantly Affects Men

While it's a common misconception that inguinal hernias primarily affect children, the reality is that this condition can occur in individuals of all ages. However, a significant majority of patients, about 65%, are men over the age of 50. It is so prevalent among men that one in three is likely to experience an inguinal hernia at some point in their lifetime.

Occupational and Physical Activity Risks
Inguinal hernias can also be related to increased abdominal pressure, making people engaged in certain occupations or sports more susceptible. Jobs that involve standing for prolonged periods or activities that put extra strain on the abdomen can increase the risk. Similarly, sports that involve heavy lifting or intense abdominal engagement can elevate the likelihood of hernia development.

Other High-Risk Groups
Besides the occupational hazards, other factors can contribute to the risk of developing an inguinal hernia, including:

- **Chronic Constipation:** Straining during bowel movements increases abdominal pressure, leading to hernias.
- **Obesity:** Excess body weight can strain abdominal muscles, making hernias more likely.
- **Prostate Enlargement:** Conditions like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) can increase the risk due to the straining during urination.
- **Chronic Coughing:** Continuous coughing (due to smoking, lung disease, etc.) can exert pressure on abdominal muscles.
- **Pregnancy:** The increased pressure inside the abdomen during pregnancy can lead to hernias.

Understanding these risk factors is essential for prevention and early detection of inguinal hernias, which can significantly affect one's quality of life if not addressed timely.